This EL84 push-pull amplifier is ok ?

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This EL84 push-pull amplifier is ok ? Empty This EL84 push-pull amplifier is ok ?

Message  cba5566 Dim 9 Juil 2023 - 10:54

I am looking for 15W tube amplifier.
I have two set speakers. First one is Proac tablette 50 signature (89db , 8 ohm).
Second one is Infinity Primus 150 (90db, 8 ohm).
Tube amplifier mainly for proac speaker.
I am newbie on tube amplifier.

1) 5670(6N3 tube) x1 ECC85(6N1 tube) x2 EL84 x4 push-pull 15W class A amplifier. Point to point wiring.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
(about usd 206 dollar)
The link got circuit diagram show to u.

The seller said that this is 15w class A amplifier.5670 tube (half of the tube) used as preamp.ECC85 as
driver tube which produce deeper bass to the output power tubes.
By looking at the circuit , do u guys think that this amp worth to buy ?
I read from internet people said that ECC85 tube produce "rough" sound...not the smooth sound type.
I don't know ... i need advice.
I worry about ECC85 tube rough sound...the tube amp is from china so i can't test and listen demo sound.

Since this amplifier used half of 5670 tube as preamp , I expect this a complete integrated amplifier.
I seldom see people use Ecc85 tube in their amplifier.
Worth to buy this tube amplifier ? Thanks in advance.

How to upload the jpg file ? (circuit jpg is 1325 x 867 )... System show limit error.
Already upload the circuit jpg file(980 x 980) . Anyone know where is the file location ?

Chrome browser didn't fully translate the web page words ... i don't know french language .
I am not sure which button to click to reply.
I think I better reply here.

Too bad taobao require account to login to view web page.
I am upset because my proac speaker limited my selection
of tube amplifier.I like single ended amplifier, but their
power are from 3w to 12w only.
To solve the problem , i think i need to buy high sensitivity

Usually , 2 small tubes and 4 power tubes used on push pull
This amp catch my attention because use extra one 5670 tube
at input stage.
4 amplifiers have been sold but no users feedback and no
video record on their system to play music.
So no idea how is the amp sound ...
Resistor 10 ohm(10w) was not at the power supply , possible
cost saving ?

This amp use mix of full diode rectifier , tube rectifier and
choke in the power supply.Will this affect the sound quality ?

Circuit jpg was show at taobao web page . Seller official web
page didn't show out.

Circuit jpg and amplifier photos is here.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
After paste the link and open web page. Tick the box at left hand side ,
and download each jpg file one by one.

Dernière édition par cba5566 le Lun 10 Juil 2023 - 6:15, édité 1 fois

Membre Bleu
Membre Bleu

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2023

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This EL84 push-pull amplifier is ok ? Empty Re: This EL84 push-pull amplifier is ok ?

Message  francis ibre Dim 9 Juil 2023 - 20:54

Hello Cba5566,

welcome on the "blue forum".

cba5566 a écrit:I am looking for 15W tube amplifier.
OK, but... Unless you listen exclusively to classical music and at low volume, with 89-90 dB speakers, I would need 30-50 W amplifiers !

Sorry but I can't open the link to Taobao, I'm not registered on this website, so I can't see the amp.
The schematic must be very simple :
- half of 5670 as voltage amplifier (called preamplifier)
- ECC85 as phase-splitter, in order to drive the following stage...
- which is a push-pull of EL84, class A

ECC85 (or 6N1) doesn't produce a "rough" sound, neither a soft or rounded sound...
As a phase splitter this tube plays little on the final sound !
The first stage (5670) as some influence on the sound, but the result depends largely on the output transformer, and on the power supply.

I hope we'll  have the schematic, and some pictures to see how this amplifier is made.

Since this amplifier used half of 5670 tube as preamp , I expect this a complete integrated amplifier.

Uhh... I don't think so !
"Preamp" refers to the first stage, that is a voltage amplifier.
The pictures will show if there is an input selector, a volume setting, and several pairs of input sockets.
If so, then yes it's an integrated amplifier.


francis ibre
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